So lately, all over my newsfeed, I've seen posts about moms being "neglectful" and the Gorilla (God bless his soul) who was tragically killed. Yes it's sad and a lot could have been prevented, but it wasn't and unfortunately a life was taken. But people are getting heated over this and partaking in heated debates online. Why? Yes it's great to voice your opinion, but sometimes that's just it, AN OPINION. Just like this right here is MY opinion. Don't waste your energy on heated internet debates because in the end, the only person that comes out feeling worse is YOU. If you want to make a sincere change, go take action: protest, debate in person, vote. And no, I'm not saying to dismiss the precious life lost, or the potential loss of a child's life, but what I am saying is to save your energy for something worth it. Internet debates aren't going to prove anything.
Paulo Jr.
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