
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Why the Hate? Just WHY?

The recent events have caused confusion, sadness, and anger. Confusion because we do not understand why there is so much hate in this world. Sadness because we can not believe how many innocent lives were taken and finally, anger because it is unbelievable how one man can take the lives of many over HATE.

The amount of lives that this one man took over the hatred he felt for himself is beyond anything. The lives of these innocent people will always be remembered. Our hearts are with the families that mourns their loved ones. Of course, we will never understand why such an action was committed. We will never understand how someone can hate a specific population so much...

We are with the LGBTQ community. We are with you and your loved ones. We are with the human race that has to endure tragedy on a daily basis.

This is senseless...

Why the Hate? Just Why?

We will never understand.

-Paulo Jr. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Diet Struggle

Yes I am dieting, or rather, I am trying to eat healthy. It is so HARD. I am barely on day four (sad) and I feel like giving up. I am not doing this just to be skinny! I mean, yes I could lose a few pounds but I am also doing it because I genuinely need to eat healthier. I have really bad habits that involve chips, candy, chocolate and of course... PIZZA!

pizza hot dog

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Gina Rodriguez

What can I say? I admire this young, gorgeous Latina. I just want to show my support for this amazing actress and thank her for representing Latinos everywhere. She was raised in Chicago. OUR CITY, CHI CITY. Not only does she demonstrate that dreams do come true, but she continues to make dreams come true for others. She gives and gives to the world. If you haven't watched Jane the Virgin, PLEASE WATCH IT. If you haven't done your research on this talented beauty, please do your research. We need to support our fellow Latinos in Hollywood and just overall. It's rare to see a Latina on screen and I could probably name a handful on the rise in 2016. Of course we have Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Edward James-Olmos, Esai Morales, Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, Benjamin Bratt, Valente Rodriguez, Michael Pena, America Ferrera, Maria Conchita Alonso, and many more who have paved the way for Gina, so let's continue to support our Latino actors/actresses.

gina rodriguez


Paulo Jr.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ride and I Rather Die: Baby Mama Drama Part 1

I was a newly separated single mom, having a decent hit it or quit it relationship with my now husband. I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread, but I felt immensely insecure. I had the common insecurities about myself, and wondered why this man (my new fling now husband) would want me? A single mom, not even yet divorced, and carrying lots of baggage.

My Partner Has ADHD and Now I Do Too

I don't have ADHD, but my partner does. He's an amazing, magnetic, and very artistic man, and people are often attracted to his enormous personality. With that being said, many, many people being attracted to his enormous personality can be a problem in our relationship and then add the ADD (no writing pun intended), and I have a few things to reflect on.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Why waste your energy?

So lately, all over my newsfeed, I've seen posts about moms being "neglectful" and the Gorilla (God bless his soul) who was tragically killed. Yes it's sad and a lot could have been prevented, but it wasn't and unfortunately a life was taken. But people are getting heated over this and partaking in heated debates online. Why? Yes it's great to voice your opinion, but sometimes that's just it, AN OPINION. Just like this right here is MY opinion. Don't waste your energy on heated internet debates because in the end, the only person that comes out feeling worse is YOU. If you want to make a sincere change, go take action: protest, debate in person, vote. And no, I'm not saying to dismiss the precious life lost, or the potential loss of a child's life, but what I am saying is to save your energy for something worth it. Internet debates aren't going to prove anything. 

reactions internet captain america the avengers chris evans

Paulo Jr.

Here's Johnny

Recently in the news all we've been reading about is Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's divorce. Most weren't shocked that a 52 year old man and a 30 year old woman couldn't make it work. Not only that, but Johnny never married his previous partner, who he was with for over ten years AND there was no prenup signed with Amber. Pretty controversial right? Well to put the cherry on top this delicious bowl of ice cream, Amber Heard comes out a day later with domestic violence accusations and photographic evidence. Crazy right? A distinguished actor and marvelous at what he does... but also a violent individual with a dark side. This just goes to show that not everything that appears wonderful is. Let's keep that in mind when getting to know an individual. This issue is worldwide. Domestic violence is real for both men AND women. Domestic Violence is no JOKE. A lot of people don't believe Amber Heard's claims. It's no wonder victims don't speak about what they're going through.

What are your thoughts?

Obviously, we never want to believe that someone we have on a pedestal has a dark side-but what if they do? 
johnny depp tear cry crybaby weepy

Johnny, looks like your career is pretty much over. In a twist of events, two of his exes came to his defense. But who is to say that this "great man" didn't violently attack his current partner? Who are we to call this woman a liar? 

Let's see how this unfolds.


Paulo Jr.